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    BENEFIT puts forward a comprehensive plan to empower youth workers and youth on mental wellbeing and further youth employability. Following a participatory approach, it will develop and make available catered tools for youth to identify and overcome mental strains that derive from challenges in the labour market as well as resources to educate and empower youth workers to offer mental-health informed support. All its work will be available via an interactive eLearning environment.


    BENEFIT is a project focusing on empowering youth workers and young individuals to build resilience and strengthen their mental health, improve their well-being and support their inclusion in the labour market and society. Developing resilience and coping mechanisms equip the individuals with the capacity to bounce back from adversity (life-changing situations and stressful conditions) events and adapt efficiently over time (APA, 2018). Resilience has been linked with positive youth development, greater social adjustment, personal and professional success and better job opportunities (Almlund et al., 2011; Jackson, 2007).

    Specific Objectives

    1. Develop a comprehensive set of resources and tools to promote awareness and support structures for the promotion of the mental wellbeing of youth.
    2. Support youth’s mental wellbeing affording them with the capacity to overcome challenges and obstacles.
    3. Empower youth workers to offer comprehensive support and services to young people.
    4. Promote mental health-informed youth work to aid young people to respond and overcome challenges.
    5. Develop quality resources for youth workers/ youth.


    Toolkit on Resilience and Mindfulness for Youth

    Training Package for Youth Workers

    eLearning platform, gamified resources and OERs


    BENEFIT puts forward a comprehensive plan to empower youth workers and youth on mental wellbeing and further youth employability. Following a participatory approach, it will develop and make available catered tools for youth to identify and overcome mental strains that derive from challenges in the labour market as well as resources to educate and empower youth workers to offer mental-health informed support. All its work will be available via an interactive eLearning environment.


    Institute of Development, Cyprus

    The Institute of Development was established in 2003. Our office is situated in Nicosia -Cyprus. We support the notion that “Success” comes only when a person consciously invests in the continuous development and balance between Personal, Inter-Personal, and Professional advancement.
    Our vision is to promote and impart a positive outlook towards life experiences, which is proven to elevate. Creativity, life satisfaction, performance, motivation, mindfulness and overall wellbeing.
    We work with Individuals, Families, Companies, Human Resources Departments, Educational Organizations and Academic Institutions. Our theories, methods and practices derive mostly form Humanistic and Positive Psychology, like Cooperative Learning Models, Creative Thinking, Multiple Intelligences and Character Education.

    CARDET, Cyprus

    CARDET is one of the leading research and development centers in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. Is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in education and VET, youth support, adult learning, literacies, digital tools, eLearning, educational technology, and social integration of marginalized groups. One of our core-strengths is our ability to carefully plan, implement, execute and evaluate projects in various contexts.

    Jugendförderverein Parchim/Lübz e.V., Germany

    Since 1992 Jugendförderverein Parchim/Lübz e. V. (JFV) operates as non-profit organization set out to give innovative impulses for encouraging the occupational integration and development of disadvantaged and vulnerable youth and adults, especially early school leavers and NEETs, youth and adults with migrant backgrounds as well as unemployed youth and adults. JFV offers a wide range of services centered on the needs of these target audiences that aim to prepare, motivate, encourage and educate them for training/occupation in labor market as well as supporting and guiding them in their personal development. The work of JFV is based on active networking with representatives of economic, social and political areas on a regional, federal and Europe-wide level. The association is a member of the Local board of Youth Offices, the Local Businessmens Association and the State Welfare Association. 106 motivated and competent members of staff are fully qualified to address the needs of the target-groups. It is a combination of these elements that best captures the profile of the wide and varied tasks of the institution.

    The work of all staff in the institution is in accordance with the quality assurance standard DIN ISO 9001:20015. JFV is a certified educational institution according to AZAV for actions regarding occupational orientation and vocational training funded by the national job agency and a state- approved institution of independent youth welfare. 

    JFV is running several projects each year that offer different target groups perspectives on professional and personal development. JFV is implementing apprenticeship trainings in several occupational fields and is also offering further education and second chance education to obtain the necessary qualification to run your own business or get a qualified job. JFV implements individual competence analysis for participants and is counselling on different options for personal and professional development, including entrepreneurship opportunities.


    Future In Perspective Ltd. is a private company based in the border region of Ireland specialising in the areas of education and e-learning, media production, social inclusion and community development. Through our work on national and EU funded projects, we have engaged and supported local youth groups, migrant communities, older persons, and individuals who have been absent from education to re-engage with service providers and mainstream education and training offerings. We also have expertise in supporting businesses and entrepreneurs in niche markets such as the creative, cultural and green sectors to develop sustainable business models. In addition, we have collaborated with young people and adults to deliver a range of diverse programmes in the areas of media production and career management – supporting the next generation of creative individuals to build and sustain successful careers in the sector.

    Motion Digital s.r.o., Czech Republic

    Motion Digital is a fairly new company, registered in the Czech Republic since 2019. We want to develop into one of the leading companies in the area of technology, youth and education in the Czech Republic and the European Union. Our mission is to enrich people’s lives in a sustainable environment through technology, exponential growth, and human development. And our core purpose is to empower lifelong learners to take control of their lives and drive systemic changes which improve the quality of life.
    Our vision is to achieve exponential growth in human development, by leveraging technology and digital innovations. We believe that we can play a big role in enabling and empowering innovators to create the possibilities for this to happen in a sustainable ecosystem.

    We are working with other organisations and educational institutions in Europe with similar vision. We work together on
    international projects funded by Erasmus+. We aim to support organizations, civil society, youth workers, and youth clubs
    engage in active advocacy in their local communities. Our areas of expertise include:
    • Wellbeing and mindfulness
    • Social-emotional learning
    • Social justice – combating stigma and social biases

    We currently have four employees who are project coordinators as well as experts in the fields of youth work, wellbeing, resilience, mindfulness and social-emotional learning. We also cooperate closely with local external experts in the field of psychology, education, social work and digital learning.

    Mindshift Talent Advisory, Portugal

    Mindshift is a consulting company specialised in Human Resources that invests in the performance and upskilling of people’s competences, seeking to boost the digital and interpersonal maturity in organisations and society.

    At national level, Mindshift has as one of its main partners The Key Talent Portugal, a HR Tech Consulting specialised in Social Attraction and Talent Assessment that develops platforms, such as Panorama and AplyGo, that allow to optimise, implement and manage digital, agile and attractive HR processes based on data analysis.

    At European level, we are a strategic partner for the development of transnational cooperation projects aiming to create innovative solutions in the area of youth and adult training, in six key- areas: upskilling & reskilling, inclusion & employability, sustainable development, women empowerment, entrepreneurship & creativity, and digital talent.

    Mindshift is strongly committed to the principles of Social Responsibility and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, bringing together a multidisciplinary team.

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    Project Number: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085433

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